UMBUG works very hard to put into operation member feedback regarding our website. We have focused on access to resources, networking, collaboration and enhanced services. Remember that any staff member from a member institution is eligible to create a personal UMBUG user account and gain access to all of the great resources.

Those resources include:

  • Membership roster – a searchable resource of colleagues
  • Systems Matrix – an updated, searchable inventory of applications and modules of Ellucian and a variety of third party software systems in use at member schools
  • eCommunity – members can sign up for our eCommunity through Ellucian’s online communities for networking year round with your colleagues
  • Materials – members have access to past conference and shared training materials
  • Shared Documents Library – folders to leverage the sharing of “tips and tricks” or other resources between members

To gain access to member resources, a new user needs to create a username and password and establish a member profile using the links on this page. An institutional email address must be utilized in creating an UMBUG account. Member resources are available to staff at member institutions. If you have questions, or if your institution would like to join UMBUG, please send inquiries to

UMBUG Privacy Policy