Mark your calendar for June 2 & 3, 2020!  The University of St. Thomas (UST) along with the Association for Institutional Research (AIR) will be co-hosting 2 days of workshops, on the UST St. Paul campus. These face-to-face training sessions are designed for Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data providers and users. The workshops are provided at no charge to workshop participants.  Classes will be held in McNeely Hall at the University of St. Thomas, 2115 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105.

Registration is available now on the AIR Attend an IPEDS Workshop webpage!

June 2, 2020 – IPEDS Data and Benchmarking: Supporting Decision Making and Institutional Effectiveness

This workshop introduces the fundamentals of benchmarking as a way to demonstrate institutional effectiveness. It is designed for individuals with little to no experience in benchmarking studies. Participants use data from the IPEDS Surveys, Data Feedback Reports, and the “Use the Data” center at the NCES website to learn about the types of comparison groups that can be constructed. Exercises demonstrate establishment of key performance indicators (KPIs) and identification of variables to refine comparison groups.

June 2, 2020 – IPEDS Data as the Public Face of an Institution

This workshop stresses the importance of accuracy and consistency in data reported to IPEDS. Examples of real IPEDS data used in the public domain are incorporated, enabling participants to understand the role of governmental and non-governmental entities in IPEDS reporting. The workshop includes presentations, discussions, exercises, and demonstrations using IPEDS data tools and resources.

June 3, 2020 – Best Practices for Reporting and Using IPEDS Data to Improve Office Efficiencies

This recently redesigned workshop provides intermediate-level keyholder training and is specifically designed for individuals who have led IPEDS data submissions at their institutions for at least one full reporting cycle. It features best practices in IR, as well as technical efficiencies in data management through Excel and in review and submission of IPEDS survey data. The workshop expands on the use of IPEDS data for benchmarking to address key institutional questions and needs. Participants should have experience with the “Use the Data” section of the NCES website, and a working knowledge of Excel.
Note: IPEDS survey component submission instructions and basic benchmarking concepts are not covered in this workshop.