Event information & registration

Welcome to the first UMBUG virtual event for the 2022 calendar year. As we all know many things have changed since early 2020, but what has not changed is the commitment of our members and business partners to collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Our thanks to the functional area co-coordinator who worked hard identify and finalize session topics, and to the business partners presenting at our event.

So, here’s how this virtual event is planned:

  • You will find session timings and descriptions as part of the registration form
  • Registration will remain open through 4pm on Sunday, February 6
  • After registration is cutoff all those who registered will be sent an email showing all the session links – all sessions will be conducted using Zoom or another video conferencing platform
  • Presentations and reference material from presenters and supporting materials will be posted on the Member Resources page of the UMBUG website where these will be accessible to those with an UMBUG account. For those from member schools who do not have an UMBUG account, you can create one following the directions on our home page. Members will be notified by email when presentations and supporting materials are available.

Still have questions? Contact us: info@umbug.org